Thursday, November 05, 2009

Another Hit!

It took until I actually read the letter to realise I'd sold another story. I didn't notice that the envelope had been addressed to my writing name, that the postmark was Dundee (home of D. C. Thomson), and that it contained one of my easily identifiable SAEs (neatly folded and returned, bless 'em).

So, as proof that my first sale was not a fluke, The People's Friend have asked to buy one too. Am terribly chuffed. They gave me great feedback with some early rejections, but I had failed to make any further progress, and had given up subbing to them. This was the first thing I'd sent them in over eighteen months.

I don't have a publication date, but you can be sure I'll let you know!

For information: they'd had the story since the middle of March, so if you are awaiting a reply from the Far North, have faith. Your sub is not down the back of the radiator just yet.

Thank you to everyone who has signed the Chambers petition (more links in the post below). If you've haven't yet indulged me by signing, please consider doing so. You'll be in good company; Ian Rankin (possibly even the real one) did today.

Just to complete my day, I have been retweeted by @TheXFactor (who have a following of nearly 42,000); but I shan't mention such popularist nonsense on this blog. You're all much too highbrow for that, aren't you?


Jenny Beattie said...

Brilliant! Congratulations on the sale; though on your observation skills, maybe not so much. :D

Sue Guiney said...

Fantastic news. Let's hear it for perseverance! Congrats!

Queenie said...

That's SUCH good news. PF aren't an easy market to crack. Very, very well done!

HelenMWalters said...

People's Friend and The X Factor ... your life is truly complete.

Karen said...

That's brilliant news Leigh, well done, and I'm sure you'll sell more :o)

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

Congratulations, so excited for you.

I signed the petition too.

Leigh Forbes said...

JJ - Ahem. No, perhaps not!

Sue - Thank you! Thank you!

Queenie - Thank you too; you make me feel all clever saying how hard PF are to sell to!

Helen - Except that I'd finished that bottle of Fetzer the previous evening... sigh.

Karen - Thank you! You are a shining example to me!

Debs - Thanks, honey. And thanks for signing the petition. Very grateful.

DAB said...

Highbrow? Me? Nah!

Congratualations m'dear VERY well done :-))TFX

Beth said...

So exciting! I'm so pleased for you - well done! And tormented... will they accept mine too, or reject it?! I really have to send something out again....

Keep up the good work! Can't wait to read :)

Cheryl said...


Kath McGurl said...

Great news on the sale!

Not quite sure what being retweeted by Xfactor means but if its good, I'll whoop for you again.

Helen + ilana = Hi said...

Well done you!

Leigh Forbes said...

TF - No? ... Thanks!

B - Hang in there, love. If they've had it more than a fortnight, you'll have got through the readers, and be sitting on an editior's desk.

Lily - Thank you!

Womag - Thank you. (And the less said about the XF the better!)

=Hi - Thank you!!

Troy said...

(well you did ask,or was it rhetoric?).
And congrats on the story being accepted

Casdok said...

How very exciting!! Congrats!

Leigh Forbes said...

Troy & Casdok - Thanks! (And no, Troy, nothing could ever risk being rhetorical when you're around! ;-)

Carol said...

Well done you!! That's brilliant news :-)

C x

ps. Sorry I'm a bit late...have had head stuck in Uni books and have just surfaced for some air!!

Lane Mathias said...

Oh well done!

Am off to sign the petition if it's still open.

sheepish said...

Only just popped by, this is great news you must be chuffed to bits.
Well done you.

Leigh Forbes said...

Carol, Lane & Sheepish - Thank you! Yes, I am still chuffed to bits!

Beth said...

i've just read that. so i got further than i did last time! i feel better now - thank you :)

got a publication date yet??

Leigh Forbes said...

B - Have you had it back then? Hope not. No, I've not heard when it'll be published. Watch this space!